Tuesday, November 10, 2015

5th Grade Science Highlighted in the Wall Street Journal!

Mrs. Pappas brought this article to my attention.  She teaches science to the other half of our 5th grade and found it a fascinating read. Take a look at the link below.
"Alan Alda helped create a contest that pushes scientists to inspire young people, not lose them with jargon."
A very famous actor has created a Science Contest to make the subjects within the study more understandable and, therefore, more enjoyable.

In the challenge, he asks scientists to explain scientific contests to 5th grade students to see how much they enjoy it.  Some of the questions (with featured videos in the article) are: 
  1. What is color?
  2. What is sleep?
 You may not know Alan Alda because he tends to do more adult movies and mysteries, but I bet your parents know who he is!

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