Friday, May 2, 2014

Helen Keller SPEAKS!

One 5J member completed her biography book report this month on Helen Keller.  I was particularly excited because I completed a biography project on Annie Sullivan when I was in elementary school.

As many of you know, Annie was Helen's teacher.  However, I believe that Helen taught Annie just as much as she taught her student.  Can you see the connection to our classroom?

I am excited to share the Youtube video below of Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller.  Annie explains exactly how Helen learned to TALK.  And what she has to say is POWERFUL!


The word dumb has multiple meanings and I do believe Helen and Annie chose to use it in this particular sentence for exactly that reason.
What do you think?

Here's how Google define the word:
  1. 1.
    (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness.
    "he was born deaf, dumb, and blind"
    synonyms:mutespeechlesstongue-tiedsilent, at a loss for words; More

  2. 2.
    NORTH AMERICANinformal
    "a dumb question"
    synonyms:stupidunintelligentignorantdensebrainlessmindlessfoolish,slowdullsimpleempty-headed, stunned, vacuousvapididiotichalf-baked, imbecilic, bovineMore

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